Paris, 15.10.2024 - Comptoir du Bambou, the Group's flagship brand My Good GroupThis year, Comptoir du Bambou will not be taking part in EquipHotel 2024. Comptoir du Bambou joins other emblematic brands of the group, such as Poplins, Cavallino Hospitalityand My Good LabOur approach is resolutely focused on personalised interaction with our customers and partners.

This strategic decision reflects a desire to focus on tailor-made exchanges, aimed at strengthening collaboration with a professional and demanding clientele. By opting for an exclusive approach, Comptoir du Bambou, renowned for its eco-responsible and elegant bamboo collections, intends to devote its resources to more intimate and qualitative initiatives, to best meet the specific needs of its customers.

"Comptoir du Bambou and the entire My Good Group wish to remain true to their commitment to excellence, innovation and sustainable development. By not attending EquipHotel this year, we can focus our energy on exclusive experiences and meetings, and provide our hotel customers and partners with ever more tailored support", explains Nicolas Sclippa.

Within the My Good Group, each brand - whether Poplins, Cavallino Hospitality, My Good Lab or Comptoir du Bambou - shares this vision of a tailor-made service for professionals in the sector, through high-quality products and solutions that enhance their customer experience.

About the My Good Group :
The My Good Group brings together four brands specialising in hotels and top-of-the-range equipment. Comptoir du Bambou, specialising in bamboo bed and bath linen, embodies the alliance of luxury and ecology. Poplins offers a range of conventional linen for hoteliers. Cavallino Hospitality is dedicated to top-of-the-range hospitality products, equipment and furniture that are more qualitative, less standardised and more sustainable, while My Good Lab offers innovative hospitality products and food supplements to enhance and personalise the customer experience.


Chambre témoin élégante au salon EquipHotel, aménagée avec les collections de linge de lit haut de gamme de Comptoir du Bambou, mettant en avant le confort, le raffinement et l'écoresponsabilité des produits en bambou.
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