B. Fibre vs. Cotton: Why Comptoir du Bambou B. Fibre household linen is the Ecological and Comfortable Choice

For private individuals, but especially for professionals, household linen made from bamboo fibre, essentially B. Fibre, is becoming more and more popular compared to cotton household linen. Both fibres are popular, but bamboo fibre is rapidly gaining recognition thanks to its many advantages. In this article, we'll explore why B-Fibre is increasingly preferred over cotton.

Respect for the environment

  • Conventional cotton is often grown with intensive use of pesticides and fertilisers, which can have a negative environmental impact, including water pollution and soil degradation.

  • Fibre B. is made from bamboo pulp from the world's most environmentally-friendly resource: bamboo. Its cultivation requires no additional water and no chemicals. The production process for Fibre B., like Tencel and Lyocell, uses a non-toxic solvent that is recycled, considerably reducing chemical waste.

linge de lit pour toutes les saisons
Linge recyclabe

Softness and comfort

Cotton is appreciated for its natural softness and comfort, but Fibre B. linen offers much greater softness, thanks to its fine fibre structure. It is also silky to the touch, making it pleasant to wear. Linens made from Fibre B. are more comfortable and softer, offering users the emotion of direct contact with nature.


Breathability and moisture management

  • Cotton is breathable and absorbs moisture well, making it comfortable in hot weather. However, it can retain moisture, sometimes becoming heavy and uncomfortable.

  • Fibre B. excels at moisture management! It can absorb and release moisture efficiently, keeping skin dry and fresh. It's an ideal option for hot, humid climates. What's more, it's much more breathable than cotton linen.

Linge recyclabe
draps absorption

Fold Resistance

  • Cotton tends to crease more easily than B.F. fabrics, which may require more ironing.

  • Fibre B. is flexible, so it is less prone to creasing. Bath and bed linen retain their shape and appearance better, even after several washes.


  • High-quality cotton, such as Egyptian cotton or Pima cotton, is durable, but how long it lasts depends on the quality of the fabric and how well it is cared for.
  • Fibre B. is also sustainable, both over time and for the environment. Tests in industrial laundries show that Fibre B. linen lasts 3 times longer than cotton linen. 
Linge recyclabe

Fibre B. has a number of advantages over cotton, including its environmental friendliness, softness, breathability, moisture management, crease resistance and durability. More and more consumers are choosing Fibre B. for its ecological qualities and comfort.

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Linge de chambre haut de gamme utilisé par les hôtels du réseau Relais & Chateaux
Le linge de luxe que vous trouverez dans les plus beaux hôtels du monde
Le linge Comptoir du Bambou à retrouver dans les hôtels Four Seasons
Linge de chambre plébiscité par Condé Nast Traveler
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